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Make a Sexy Chequebook for your Valentine

Make a Sexy Chequebook for your Valentine
by S. Roberts
With Valentines day just around the corner, it's nice to have a few new sexy ideas to share with your lover and to bring a bit of passion back into the bedroom. After all, we all get stuck into the same sexual routine from time to time. Well here is an idea that can lift you out of the routine and it won't cost you a penny. It's a Saucy Sex Chequebook, and it can add a bit of fun and sparkle back into your sex life.The Saucy Sex Chequebook works like in a similar way to a regular chequebook that you get from the bank, however with this chequebook the currency is sexual favours. You choose a sex pledge, add your lovers name as the person to pay. Date and sign it and hand it to your lover. They can redeem the sexy promise you have made to them by cashing in the cheque with you.The books pledges range from romantic pastimes such as 'An hours massage with oil and candle light' and 'A romantic, bubbly, candle lit bath' to saucier promises of 'Red hot phone sex' and 'A saucy lap dance / strip tease'. There are also four blank cheques for you to fill in your own sex pledges.What is really nice about the sex cheques is that you can fill them in and leave them laying around for your lover to find... One in the fridge, one in the glove box of the car, one in their coat pocket, one in the box of their favourite CD, you could be really naughty and mail one to their work place.The Saucy Sex Chequebook is available online at the link below. Simply print out the printable chequebook. It prints in black and white and will require 9 sheets of A4 paper.Cut out each page of the book and staple the pages together on the left-hand side. It's that simple.Boost your erotic credit rating today and open a bank account of lust, which is sure to give you high interest, without costing you anything, well except maybe a bit of your time. But I'm sure you will agree it's a great little treat for your valentine.

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